Helpful Tips and Insights From Women in the Financial Services Industry: Part 2
One of our favorite parts of what we do is learning about other industries from our clients, referral partners and trusted advisors. One industry...
2 min read
Kari Switala
July 1, 2021
One of our favorite parts of what we do is learning about other industries from our clients, referral partners and trusted advisors. One industry we’ve been learning a lot about these past few years is the financial services industry. Whether it’s filing your taxes, purchasing a home and securing financing or investing your money and creating a legacy account for your children and grandchildren, everyone depends on financial experts at some (or many!) points during their lives.
At Wild Fig Marketing, we are honored to share the company of many incredible women in the financial services industry. We took some time recently to interview four of these women and learn from them. We think you will find their insights valuable!
We’d like to introduce you to Angela Alvig, Founder and Family CFO at Simplify Wealth.
I am a Family CFO and the founder of Simplify Wealth. We handle the details of our clients’ finances and households so they can fully enjoy life and achieve their goals. In addition to acting as our clients’ Personal CFOs or Family CFOs, we provide wealth concierge services and outsourced support to small business owners. Our job is to make things happen for our clients and keep them organized.
People think they need to know more before they take action regarding their personal or business finances. This is a myth. There is NO ONE who knows everything. Instead, simply “know what you don’t know,” surround yourself with a team of experts who do know the fine details in their area of expertise, and ask questions when you don’t understand. There are NO dumb questions. I find that people who profess to know the least about finances ask the best questions.
Stick to what you love to do—in your life and in your business—and delegate the rest. Build a team of professionals who support you in their area of expertise and free you up to do what you do best. The monetary investment is well worth what you get in return—a life that you love!
We love working with a wide variety of clients. They may be experiencing a major life transition they need help getting through. Or they may have a specific problem or lack of organization that keeps them from making progress in their life or business. We pull the details together and positive things start to happen. We enjoy clients who are passionate about achieving their goals and see value in delegating the details to us. Working with highly engaged clients really keeps us on our A game and we enjoy that. What I love most about the work I do is that it truly helps people and improves their lives. We hear all the time from our clients that they don’t know what they would do without us.
Our go-to resources are the professional advisors and experts that our clients already have on their financial teams—CPAs, wealth managers, bankers, attorneys…We learn from them every day as we tackle details for our clients. I also love the Tim Ferriss Show podcast. Learning ideas and business tips from the highly successful people he interviews has been very helpful for me as I have grown my business.
One of our favorite parts of what we do is learning about other industries from our clients, referral partners and trusted advisors. One industry...
One of our favorite parts of what we do is learning about other industries from our clients, referral partners and trusted advisors. One industry...
One of our favorite parts of what we do is learning about other industries from our clients, referral partners and trusted advisors. One industry...