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How Can I Repurpose My Content?

How Can I Repurpose My Content?

It can be a struggle to consistently come up with new content that is relevant to your audience—content that makes them want to engage with you.

Did you know you can repurpose your old blog posts and other resources rather than constantly creating new content?

Repurposing past blog articles, ebooks/guides, or even webinars can help you get more value out of the content you’ve already worked hard to create. When you adapt your content into different formats—combining several blog posts into an ebook/guide or creating new blogs out of the content from a webinar, for instance—you extend the reach of your current content, allowing you to engage new audiences.


Getting Started With Repurposing Your Content

If this sounds intriguing to you, there are two things you will need to do before you can effectively repurpose your content:

1.) Complete a content audit

Auditing your current content is crucial. It will show you the topics you’ve already addressed and any related content you could link together. It will also show you what content has been the most engaging and what has fallen flat. (Spoiler alert: you’ll want to focus on the more engaging content and let the duds go).

To audit your content, start by gathering your blog posts, ebooks/guides, worksheets, videos, webinars, and any other resources you’ve offered in the past. Organize all of this content into a spreadsheet, keeping track of the following categories:

  • content title
  • topic
  • buyer’s journey stage
  • lifecycle stage
  • content format
  • targeted buyer persona
  • and any additional notes that could be helpful as you search through your list in the future

Use this helpful worksheet from Hubspot to help you stay organized as you gather your current content. The content audit is by far the most painful part of this process (especially if you’re a creative type who’s not a fan of spreadsheets!), but trust us, having all of this information gathered into one place will be a vital resource for future content creation. You won’t know how you ever functioned without it.

2.) Decide what you want to be known for

Which topics do you want to become the go-to expert for? Who is your ideal client? Asking yourself questions like these will help you hone in on what content you should repurpose. It doesn’t make sense to repurpose pieces of content that are not going to attract your ideal work or client, so let those go and focus on the ones that will.

Content Marketing Inline

Finding Content to Repurpose

Once you’ve done your content audit and chosen the topic areas you want to focus on, it’s time to find some content to repurpose. Search through your completed content audit worksheet, looking for content or topics that stand out, such as:

  • Top performers Use Google Analytics to determine your top performing blogs over the past 6-12 months. These are your best bets as far as increasing engagement—if your audience enjoyed them, they’ll probably want to hear more about those topics and will be likely to engage with them again in another format. Consider creating webinars, ebooks, or email campaigns addressing your most popular topics.
  • Topic Clusters Notice which of your blogs could be combined into long-form content such as ebooks, guides, or webinars. Can you reuse past blogs to create bigger pieces of content that could benefit your audience in some way or answer questions they have?
  • Common Questions Do you have a blog (or several) that answers questions you often get from your audience? If so, repurpose them into a Q&A video and/or downloadable guide.
  • Helpful Statistics Are there certain blog topics that involve a lot of numbers? Repurposing those numbers into eye-catching and relevant infographics will give you great fodder for social media posts and provide a way to link back to the original blog to boost engagement further.

You get the drift. Focus on the content your audience is already gravitating towards and ask yourself if there is new information you can share that relates to those topics or if there is another way to deliver the information to your audience. Do you see how effective this can be?

Bonus: Optimizing Old Blog Posts

As you’re working through your content audit and choosing old blogs to repurpose, take a few moments to optimize those old posts to improve your SEO. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Consider adding a short list to the top of the blog—doing so can help with snippets and SEO ranking.
  • Update the title to include a long-tail keyword that aligns with the question(s) your target audience would search for online.
  • Look for other blog articles you’ve written, videos you’ve created, or other resources you offer (ebooks, downloadable pdfs, checklists, etc.) that are relevant to this topic and include links to them in the post.
  • Make sure every blog includes a call to action (a link to view more content, follow you on social media, book an exploratory call, etc), and update the CTA as needed to keep it relevant.We hope this quick intro to repurposing your content was helpful. Now all that’s left to do is to get started! Repurposing your content effectively will help you reach your audience, increase engagement, and get more out of the work you’ve already done. Need help creating ebooks, guides, or other content from your old blog posts? We know someone who could help. 

Wild Fig Marketing is your digital marketing agency! Whether you’re looking for marketing help in the form of website design, sales or process automation, content marketing, email marketing or lead generation, we have the knowledge and experience to help you rock your brand. Contact us on our website or set up a complimentary 30-minute strategy session below.

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